Community Service

The Grange is a community service, family organization with a special interest in agriculture.

Granges are conducting grassroots activities, projects and meeting in thousands of communities nationwide.

The key unit is the local Grange. As a grassroots organization, individual members start the legislative policy process through resolutions.

As a community organization, the Grange involves the entire family in community, fraternal and patriotic activities.

The Big Knob Grange strives to perform at least one community service project or activity a month. While always brainstorming and coming up with new ideas, there is a list of annual projects that we are known for.

Annual Community Service Projects:
• Big Knob Grange Fair
• Dictionaries for third graders
• Easter Egg Hunt
• Election Day Soup & Pie Sale
• Farm City Banquet
• National Dairy Month Celebration
• Pancake & Sausage Supper
• Thanksgiving Pie Sale
• Township Cleanup Day / Rabies Clinic

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